This is the place where the Flying Dog Fish presents his photos, manipulated photos, videos, drawings, games created in 3 days during the Ludum Dare events, games for Android and PC and any other creations of his that he deems worthy of your attention. A new photo is presented here every day. Click on it to visit it in the gallery, where it is described in detail and available in higher resolution.

You can also subscribe to my youtube channel to receive updates.

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My next android game might look like this

I started development of a new android game currently named Spectral Annihilation. Nothing much is known about it yet, except that it started as brain-teasing hybrid of color tetris and ordinary tetris without the falling bit and that the soundtrack will be made by my favorite composer Aziraphal. Here's a screenshot of the current demo, the final game may look and feel utterly different. is dying. Long live !

The domain is about to expire and the auhor has no intention of keeping it anymore. The domain will of course remain. So please update your bookmarks to There's really no reason to keep the two versions of the domain as one currently redirects to the other anyway.

FDF's Minefield is coming to a Google Play near you soon

FDF's Minefield Adventure for Android has been in development for a long time now. It's about as feature-complete as it's gonna get now, it only requires some final touches, but those often prove to be the hardest.  Of course, the game is getting it's own page around here real soon too, with everyhing from instructions to gameplay videos to tips&tricks. Stay tuned for details. You can even contact me through the contact form if you want to beta-test it.

And we're back

The exhibit is back online now. The design still requires some attention though. The gallery shall return in a day or two too, but it unfortunately won't be embedded with the rest of the site as the otherwise awesome new version of Gallery (3) can't be embedded yet. The author apologizes for the inconvenience.

Azi's Turbo Worm

A friend of mine just released his awesome snake game on Google Play (ex Android Market). It's got huge playing fields and nice retro graphics. The snake moves around with incredible smoothness. This is a must for all snake lovers out there and something great to pass your time by when you're waiting for something and only got your phone with you. And I should know it's great, I've been the lead Quality Assurance and a Consultant on this one, at least according to the credits.

A new photo every day

In the last 10 days I tried adding a new photo from my extensive collection to the photo exhibit every single day. And, surprise, surprise, I did accomplish that on all of those 10 days.
And from now on, at least one new photo shall be added to the exhibit every single day, except, of course, on the days when I won't be able to get to a computer, but I might compensate for that.
I hope you'll enjoy seeing them all.

Chocolatey new year

So our insignificant little planet completed another turn around its insignificant little G-type star in an insignificant spiral arm of an insignificant little galaxy in an insignificant little cluster of galaxies in a humongous universe? Why should we care? Oh, you can get chocolate from people for free just because of it? In that case, I wish you a very chocolatey new year.

Autumn is here

Actually, autumn has been around for a while, but it just came to this web exhibit a few minutes ago. You can find it in the menu or by following this link. I hope you'll enjoy looking at it.


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